Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Aloe Vera as Hemorrhoids Treatment

Just as the varicosities found on the legs, hemorrhoids are swollen veins and blood vessels found around the anus. The symptoms of the condition usually include itching, swelling, leakage, bleeding during bowel movements and discomfort. Although physicians often recommend the use of topical medications or surgical procedures for the treatment of the condition, herbal experts believe that using aloe vera is helpful in preventing and treating hemorrhoids condition. However, further studies are still required to confirm its efficacy as hemorrhoids treatment. Aside from that, rectal bleeding could be an indication of an underlying medical problem and so a consultation with a physician is still necessary to rule out serious medical issues.

About Aloe Vera

This herbal plant is native to southern and eastern Africa and is cultivated almost around the world. Aloe vera belongs to the lily family, which is a perennial herb that could reach a height of up to 4 feet. This succulent plant has yellow, tubular flowers and fleshy leaves that contain medicinal gel, which can be used externally against various skin conditions. Aloe leaf juice, obtained from the base of the leaf, can be used internally as a stimulant laxative.


A hemorrhoid is a known condition that affects almost 75% of the world’s population. Internal hemorrhoids are often seen inside the anal canal while external hemorrhoids are protruding hemorrhoids from the anus. These types of hemorrhoid conditions are due to excessive pressure on the veins within the rectum, especially during chronic diarrhea or constipation and when moving bowels.

External Effects

Aloe gel, which is obtained from the pant, contains active compounds that can be used topically for homeopathic treatment of various conditions and in speeding up the healing of wounds. According to herbal experts, aloe gel contains natural properties that can help speed up the healing process by alleviating inflammation and pain due to hemorrhoids. On a scientific review, it was reported that aloe vera has bradykinase, an enzyme that is helpful in relieving severe inflammation once applied topically. Although some people find this review convincing, remember that no scientific research has been released regarding its effectiveness against hemorrhoids.

Internal Benefits

Herbal experts stated that aloe vera could help soften stools and make it easier to pass stools, thus reducing the pressure on the lower part of the rectum and preventing the formation of hemorrhoids. It was said that aloe has anthraquinones, which is the key ingredient for the stimulation of contractions within the digestive walls and the promotion of fluid secretion. Experts believe that aloe vera’s ability to soften stool is helpful in preventing hemorrhoids by reducing the pressure or the risk of straining during bowel movements or in case of a chronic constipation. It was also stated that consuming at least ½ cup of aloe vera extracts or juice at least three times per day could help eliminate hemorrhoids.

However, since the use of this herbal remedy as hemorrhoids treatment is not backed with any scientific evidences, it would be best to consult your physician first before using it against hemorrhoid conditions. It is also necessary to determine if it would cause any complications against other health conditions to prevent any risks.

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