Sunday, June 24, 2012

Natural Home Remedies Against Hemorrhoids

Numerous factors can contribute to the development of hemorrhoids, such as straining during bowel movements and constipation. Most women encounter having hemorrhoids during the course of pregnancy and this can be due to the improved pressure from the unborn infant in the womb. Standing or sitting for an extended period may also result in the situation. The possibility of having hemorrhoids may enhance as a result of age because as a person grow older, flexibility of the tissues and skins is reduced, therefore lessening the support on the blood vessels.

Nevertheless, you should know there are homeopathic remedies readily available for hemorrhoids conditions. A few of these homeopathic remedies are the following:

* Making use of sitz bath might help reduce inflammation and itching caused by hemorrhoids. This bathing seat can easily fit on the toilet seat and could be bought from the local pharmacy. Otherwise, you can just fill your tub with lukewarm water and dip your bottom into it for no less than 10-20 minutes. You can repeat each method more than once daily or after moving bowels. After having a sitz bath, make sure to dry the anal area quickly but avoid removing it to prevent aggravating the hemorrhoids.

* Utilizing ice on the involved area or applying OTC ointments that contain lidocaine can help reduce the pain sensation due to its numbing effect. There are suppositories and creams that includes hydrocortisone that can be utilized for the problem. You can utilize these weekly to relieve itching and irritation.

* Witch hazel can be another powerful relief against the symptoms of hemorrhoids. You can simply apply this using cotton balls to cure itching. Since this does not come with any negative effects, you can apply it whenever you are enduring painful indications of hemorrhoids and itching.

* Make sure to remember to keep the anal area clean. You can do this by cleaning it with lukewarm water. Even so, stay away from soap to avoid discomfort. After a bowel movement, you can clean the anal area with baby wipes instead of toilet paper.

* Always use cotton undergarments to prevent itching when struggling with hemorrhoids. Always sit on a cushioned seat to relieve the pressure in the anal region and the formation of hemorrhoids.

* Certain changes in lifestyle can also be necessary from the ailment. A few improvements that you could opt for include the following:

* Increase the amount of fiber in your diet by consuming lots of vegetables, whole grains and fruits including bran and wheat. Fiber supplements are also helpful. Aside from introducing more fiber into your diet, make certain you are consuming sufficient amount of water daily. Go for at least eight to ten glasses of water on a daily basis to help keep your stools soft and stop straining during bowel movements.

* Carry out daily routines to promote the function of your digestive system and prevent bowel problems. Remaining active can reduce the pressure in the anal and rectal are and this will help you keep a normal weight.

In case your hemorrhoids situation is not responsive to any of these, it may be necessary to choose surgical removal of the affected veins. You just have to see your medical doctor for a diagnosis of the hemorrhoids and also to determine if it is internal or external hemorrhoids. You will then be advised as to which variety of treatment you have to go through. Nonetheless, make sure you ask more knowledge about the side effects of the process before making your final decision regarding it.

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